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Did you know that the single-use plastic and CO2 emissions dominating the environmental news headlines are the biggest sources of pollution to our planet? 

There are many ways we can move towards a greener lifestyle.  Even developers are noticing a shift towards more value being placed on sustainable homes as the younger purchasers are becoming more environmentally friendly and into sustainable living.  

The government is focusing more recently on setting new standards such as imposing EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) targets for mortgage lenders and landlords.  Latest research shows that up to 70% of the applicants would like their property to be more eco-friendly.  That is a huge change from YOY of 55%.  

So here are our top 3 tips on becoming more eco-friendly in the home, so that we can all do our bit for the environment.

Reduce plastics and recycle – plastic packaging accounts for up to 70% of the UK plastic waste.  We should all focus on ways we can reduce the use of plastics.  Why not try the following.  

  • Try shopping at zero waste stores.  Here plastic packaging is replaced with large jars.  To try and find your closest branch, visit the Zero Waste Network.  
  • Shop in your local stores and farmer markets.  Take your own reusable bags and containers.  Do you remember when milk was delivered on an open milk van in glass bottles? Well they are back and you would be surprised at how not only is it cost effective but also reduced the plastic consumption.  
  • Grow your own! I certainly am not green fingers but hubby is and started growing his own vegetables during Covid.  Check out your closes allotment if you want to grow in larger quantities.

Water consumption – Every-time you have a power shower you are using up to 17 litres of water.  We are all guilty of it.  Sticking the shower on a few mins before we actually jump in. Sadly, we are literally throwing money down the drain.

  • Why not try a timer in the shower.  This will help keep shower time to a minimum and save water and energy.  
  • Stop running your tap whilst brushing your teeth.  You are wasting up to 24 litres of water for a 2 minute brush twice a day.  
  • Try washing clothes in cold water, it gets the clothes just as clean as hot but in a more efficient way.

Install a smart meter – By installing a Smart Meter you are able to measure how much gas and electricity you use.  It allows you to have control over the small changes you can make to your life and home.  Try taking the following actions and monitor how much of a saving you are making.

  • turn off lights in rooms that you are not using.
  • Switch to LED bulbs.
  • Hang clothes to dry rather than using the dryer. 
  • Make energy efficient choices when purchasing new appliances.  For larger appliances is an A rating.  

We hope by taking these simple steps it helps you and your family to become more eco friendly.  These small changed , if we all do them will have a much bigger impact! 

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